
For the Fall 2023 semester between August and November, co-op days will be every Tuesday except for mid-term break on 10/10. Assembly starts at 9 am.

Fall 2023 Syllabus

Lower Class

Subject Topics Class Material Notes
  • Spelling
  • Grammer
  • Writing
  • Literature
  • All About Spelling
  • Spelling Wisdom
  • Essentials of English Language
  • IEW U.S. History-Based Writing
  • MCT language arts curriculum
  • refer to Reading List for literature assignments
History The Modern Age Story of the World
Mathematics Arithmetic Dimensions Math Singapore Math curriculum
Science Elementary science using history timeline Science in the Ancient World

Upper Class

Subject Topics Class Material Notes
  • Spelling
  • Grammer
  • Writing
  • Literature
  • All About Spelling
  • Essentials of English Language
  • IEW Medieval History Based Writing
refer to Reading List for literature assignments
History Late Renaissance to Early Modern Period
(1600 - 1850)
The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia Notebooking according to the "Well-trained Mind"
Logic Critical Thinking Basics of Critical Thinking
Mathematics Pre-Algebra Dimensions Math Singapore Math curriculum
Science Intro to Astronomy Focus on Middle School – Astronomy


Subject Topics Class Material Notes
Art/Music Beginner Level ARTistic Pursuits Drawing with Graphite Pencils Alternating between Art and Music every week
Bible Biblical worldview of God and Truth Who is God? And Can I Really Know Him?
Chinese Vocab, classifications, sentences, and reading Basic Chinese 500